Sunday 27 May 2012


Thrombosis (Greek: θρόμβωσις) is the accession of a claret array (thrombus; Greek: θρόμβος) central a claret vessel, obstructing the breeze of claret through the circulatory system. If a claret barge is injured, the physique uses platelets (thrombocytes) and fibrin to anatomy a claret array to anticipate claret loss. Alternatively, even if a claret barge is not injured, claret clots may anatomy in the physique if the able altitude present themselves. If the array is too astringent and the array break free, the traveling array is now accepted as an embolus.12

Thromboembolism is the aggregate of occlusion and its capital complication, embolism.

When a array occupies added than 75% of apparent breadth of the lumen of an artery, claret breeze to the tissue supplied is bargain abundant to could cause affection because of decreased oxygen (hypoxia) and accession of metabolic articles like lactic acid. Added than 90% obstruction can aftereffect in anoxia, the complete denial of oxygen, and infarction, a approach of corpuscle death.

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